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German Far Right Lawmaker Under Scrutiny

German Far-Right Lawmaker Under Scrutiny

Prosecutor's Office Searches EU Office of Maximilian Krah

SS Links a Matter of Investigation

BERLIN (AP) — German prosecutors are investigating Maximilian Krah, the lead candidate for the far-right Alternative for Germany in the upcoming European elections, over alleged ties to the Nazi SS.

In a statement issued Wednesday, the federal prosecutor's office said it had searched Krah's office in the European Parliament as part of an ongoing investigation. The office did not provide further details about the investigation but confirmed that it is examining Krah's possible connection to the SS.

Krah has come under fire in recent weeks for comments he made about the SS, the paramilitary organization that carried out the Holocaust during World War II. In an interview with a German newspaper, Krah said that many of the SS's 900,000 members were "simple farmers" who had no knowledge of the organization's crimes.

Krah's comments sparked outrage among Jewish groups and Holocaust survivors, who accused him of downplaying the atrocities committed by the SS. The German government has also condemned Krah's remarks, calling them "unacceptable" and "offensive."

The investigation into Krah is a significant development in the lead-up to the European elections, which will be held on May 26. The Alternative for Germany is polling strongly, and Krah is considered one of the party's most prominent figures.

The outcome of the investigation could have a major impact on the election. If Krah is found to have committed a crime, it could damage the Alternative for Germany's chances of success.
